Ripper Shop

Colorful dyed Birch laminate, decreasing availability, increasing price
Natural Wood
Hardwoods like Maple, Walnut, Cherry, Bocote, Olive, Hickory, Oak, Elm, Poplar, Sycamore...
NEW - Hybrid "Crown"
Natural woods with crowning
nugget of DymondWood
"Half-Flat" Hybrids
Natural woods with nugget of DymondWood, flat back, DIY blade replacement
Ripper History Slideshow -- 2007 to 2019
(See History "End of an Era" panel)
NOTE: Depletion of Full-DymondWood stock requires increase in price of this Rip-Pin-Pick form, to $59 each.
$59 Rip3 "Sunshine" DW, Cove
$old Rip3 "Nile" DW, Bead
$59 Rip3 "Cajun" DW, Bead
Natural Hardwoods
(maple, walnut, cherry, bocote, olive, spalted...)
$old RPP Olive wood, Bead
$old RPP Bocote wood, Ripple
$old RPP Quilted Maple, Cove
NEW - Hybrid "Crown"
(Natural woods w/crowning nugget of DymondWood)

$old HyRPP Olive + "SantaFe" DW
$45 HyRPP Walnut + "Terracotta" DW
$old HyRPP Maple + "Sunshine" DW
"Half-Flat" Hybrids
(natural wood & DW nugget, flat back, DIY replaceable blade)

LINDA's on 1-29 ... (5/5 stars)
"Wow! Finally, a new twist on an old sewing tool! Great craftsmanship and quality. Terrific seller. Will definitely purchase from this shop again."

What's the Big Deal?
$old HF- Cherry & "Rose" DW, Bead
$old HF-RiP3 Cherry & "Paris" DW, Ripple
$old HF- Bocote & "Sunshine" DW, Crown
Quality Control Video Clip